Senin, 19 Desember 2011

...hri yG mnentukn Tlah trlwti,,,

.... hay,, sob,,,
 hri-hri dmna Qta hrus brusha tuk krja kras tlah d lalui,,,
tnggal  mnunggu hsil,,,
baik, cukup tau krang???
13-17 Desember 2011...
dalah hri penntuan kwan...
stelah tu Qta lbur 1 thun,,,,
smngat kwannnn,,,,,

Selasa, 06 Desember 2011

,,, Experience,,,,

,,, hello...
Q akan crita tntang penglaman Qta kmrin....
tpt'y tgl 06 Desember 2011..
Q, erni, reni, sri, resti,selvy, lubnah, ayi, levi, nala, meta...
tour ke Cikupa City,,,,
pngalman yg mnynangkan n mlelahkan,,,
yg bwt tk  bsa dlupkan yaitu jlan mnuju cikupa,, yaitu rmah Erni...
btuh prjuangn n mnguji adrenalin....
jlan naik trun gnung,,, belak belok,,,
yg sngat" mnguras tnaga,,,,
tp smw bsa tratsi krna dsna Qta mkan"...
krna wktu itu lkah yg d tunggu''...
plang pun mmbwa oleh"... yg mngingatkan Q pda "bu nunung"...
krna tu mkanan ksukaan "bu nunung (kryawan d pegadaian kota Banjar)...

ok... the "experience" is up....
good bye,,,


…. My family,,,,
Hi, My brothers and Sisters,,,,,
How are you?????

Ok guys,,,
I will tell about my Family….
I have family. We are happy family. My family consist of Father, Mother, Me, And My sister.
We live in a small beautiful house, my father is Entrepreneurship, my mother is a house wife, I’m a student in SMKN 1 Banjar, and my sister is 3 years….

my family…

It’s My sister….

thank you for attentions,,,
good bye,,,
C U,,,,


…. My Village….
Hello guys,,,,
In this occation I will tell about my village…
I live in  a village. The village is Cintajaya. It is located in Lakbok subdistrict . it have some RT or Rw.
I’m live in  Pondokunyur RT 13/ Rw 03, Cintajaya Lakbok Ciamis.
and we have a small home, althougt small home but we are happy live there.
It’s my home,,,                                                                

Sory the photos is problem,,, because rain…
 Next, it’s photo the right mu home….

And finally it is photo striate to my home…

Ok,,, guys,,,,,,
I think the time is up,,,,
thank you friend,,,,
I love my village,,,,